Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Ok I'm done with the facist turn our country has taken. I will pick-up a tea bag for the 'cause.

Some light reading for the those of us that grew up in a free America. It was grand while it lasted.

I am appling for the job of FreedomCZAR to Pres. Obama have i a chance?
Carville and Greenberg Discover Opposition to Obama Isn't Racist (as quoted on the Rush Limbaugh email newsletter today).
"Here's our Media Tweak of the Day: It's not the color of Obama's skin that causes us any trouble. It's the color of his policies. It's not his blackness we oppose; it is his redness. You'll find red wherever you look in his agenda: Red ink and red policies." -Rush (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen)

Official Obama Criticizer Goes Viral! Read the Transcript || Watch the Video on YouTube
» Rush's WSJ Op-Ed: The Race Card, Football and Me » The Big Page of Coverage: Here

If these links do not function it is blood is sputing out of my eyes. So tomorrow i will repost or vent on something eles.