Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Last Pew at church?

It has taken me decades of life to discover the joy of the last pew at church worship. When I attended sacrament services for most of my life my family and I always seem to sit mid chapel. Historically Christian churches had family pews ordered family donations. I have to believe those days are long gone. My experience punctuality was the cost for farther up to podium.

Nowadays as a gramps and gram we have discovered the joy of the noisy children filled back row. The Savior always loved the children the best for their simple faith and willingness to obey, the first law under heaven. I digress. So if you have found your Sunday services a bit ordinary sitting with adult types wanting to show their devotion by being seen up front. As I did for half of my life. Come join the fun and joy bunch and maybe help a young family of five or single mother overwhelmed by two little ones. Oh most importantly don’t forget fruit roll-ups etc. Embrace the joy!

1 comment:

GrampsJim said...

Open California!